Analytic split of quantum gates as tensor networks in specific cases like Pauli rotations

I have a general mathematical / tensor network methods question:

I know from a previous discussion that a gate acting on two qubits can be applied to an MPS by turning it into an MPO with identities on the intermediate sites. E.g. take a \text{CNOT}_{i,j} acting on non-neighboring sites i and j. I can simply SVD the 4 \times 4 CNOT matrix to get two MPO matrices, i.e. the Q and R^\dagger from SVD:


Now I am wondering if there are some special cases where I can directly read-out the Q and R^\dagger matrix. In particular, I want to know this for Pauli rotations. Since we know that a Pauli rotation with some Pauli word \bigotimes_i P_i (think X_0 Y_3 Z_9)

U = \exp(-i \theta \bigotimes_i P_i) = \cos(\theta) \mathbb{I} -i \sin(\theta) \bigotimes_i P_i

has this specific form in terms of two sinusodials, I would think this is a low-entanglement inducing operation and there should be some efficient MPO decomposition.

I want to know if I can directly construct the MPO without having to slice the matrix using SVD. For gains but also because at a certain number of Pauli terms this becomes impossible (e.g. \exp(-i \theta X^{\otimes 50}).

Greatly appreciate any help! Thank you!

Maybe the easiest way would be to write the operator symbolically as an OpSum and then convert it to an MPO.

Oh yeah, didnt see the forest from all the trees :see_no_evil: Thanks @mtfishman !

For anyone finding this in the future, this is the MPO for Pauli rotations:


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