Dear there,
I have a quick question about calculating expectation of a two-site operator like simply c^{\dag}_jc_{j+1} with a MPS got from DMRG. I tried two ways as follows, and my questions is I find they give totally different results:
# Method 1 -- use MPO
for j in 1:1:(N-1)
hop = OpSum()
hop += 1.0, "Cdagup", j, "Cup", j + 1
hop_mpo = MPO(hop,sites)
value = inner(psi0',hop_mpo,psi0)
println("j=$j, C+upCup=$value")
# Method 2 -- use orthogonalize
value2 = 0
for j in 1:1:(N-1)
orthogonalize!(psi0, j)
psi0_j = psi0[j]*psi0[j+1]
psidag0_j = dag(prime(psi0[j]*psi0[j+1], "Site"))
ampo = op(sites, "Cdagup", j) * op(sites, "Cup", j + 1)
value2 = scalar(psidag0_j * ampo * psi0_j)
println("j=$j, C+upCup=$value2")
So in the 1st way, I made c^{\dag}_jc_{j+1} as a MPO, and in the 2nd way I orthogonalize at site j and use op. But I’m worried about if the 2nd way is valid because for each \langle c^{\dag}_jc_{j+1}\rangle I use both site j and j+1, but I only orthogonalize j not j+1.
So I’m just wondering could you help to see what’s wrong in 1 or 2 so that the results are different, and if the 2nd way is indeed wrong due to my orthoginalize, then should I orthogonalize two sites simultaneously or maybe this way can only be used for single-site operator expectation?
Thank you so much!!