About citing the Itensor library in a paper

Hi there,
I’ve a quick non-technical question. I used Itensor in one of my recent papers (itensor helps a lot!), and I cite it exactly as this link said “ITensor”. But I just receive comments from a PR series editor, and he asked me to provided the volume of this paper “The ITensor Software Library for Tensor Network Calculations”. I’ve googled several times but still couldn’t find it… so just wondering does this paper really have a volume information?

Thank you!

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Thanks for the question – it’s a good question.

I think it is safe to assume that the volume is Volume 1 for the ITensor paper. It is in SciPost Codebases which is a very new journal of SciPost. If you’d like, I can contact the editor who I know to confirm this guess though.

Here’s my reasoning: one of the journals of SciPost which has been around much longer is “SciPost Physics”. If you click on this link you can click on the Issues tab and see that there are many issues divided up into volumes.

On the other hand, the SciPost Physics Codebases journal doesn’t have the Issues tab yet, so I assume from that that there is only one (incomplete) issue so far and that there haven’t been enough issues yet to form a complete volume. So the eventual volume of the current publications will probably be Volume 1.

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Glad to hear ITensor has been helping you a lot by the way!

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Thanks for your detailed explanation! I’ll add Vol 1 to my citation. Have a great weekend!

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