A doubt about the definition (source code) of movesite

About the movesite function, the source code is:

    movesite(::Union{MPS, MPO}, n1n2::Pair{Int, Int})

Create a new MPS/MPO where the site at `n1` is moved to `n2`,
for a pair `n1n2 = n1 => n2`.

This is done with a series a pairwise swaps, and can introduce
a lot of entanglement into your state, so use with caution.
function movesite(
  ψ::AbstractMPS, n1n2::Pair{Int,Int}; orthocenter::Integer=last(n1n2), kwargs...
  n1, n2 = n1n2
  n1 == n2 && return copy(ψ)
  ψ = orthogonalize(ψ, n2)
  r = n1:(n2 - 1)
  ortho = "left"
  if n1 > n2
    r = reverse(n2:(n1 - 1))
    ortho = "right"
  for n in r
    ψ = swapbondsites(ψ, n; ortho=ortho, kwargs...)
  ψ = orthogonalize(ψ, orthocenter)
  return ψ

In this code, I can’t understand why we initially need to move the orthocenter to n2 rather than n1. In my opinion, when we need the site at n1 to be moved to n2, we first should move the orthocenter to n1, and then move the orthocenter to the right (when n1 < n2, and vice versa.) step-by-step by using swapbondsites function.