Partial transpose of a reduced density matrix of type ITensor

Hi aditya,

I would like to know if you have resolved this issue. Following the post Is this a correct way to calculate one-site and two-site entanglement spectrum and entropy? , I tried to do partial transpose about the site 5 with the codes,

## partial transpose
oldinds = inds(rho25)
newinds = [oldinds[1],oldinds[2],oldinds[4],oldinds[3]]
rho25T5 = swapinds(rho25,oldinds,newinds)
# the two 4-th order tensors have the same values, but different indices
@show rho25T5
@show rho25
D2, U2 = eigen(rho25T5)
egv2 = real(diag(D2))
@show egv2

Intuitively, I believe it may be correct. However, as I am new to Itensor.jl, my confidence is not high. If you identify any issues with this approach, I would appreciate your feedback.
